As part of the ”FastLane” project, the logistics service provider has teamed up with container technology company SecureSystem to test a newly developed service for smooth, fast and secure container transport. The approach is designed to cut customs clearance times in destination ports and simplify the entire customs process. The innovation team at BLG LOGISTICS is shipping 20 containers fitted with a sensor system from SecureSystem to the U.S.
They will start their journey in the Bremen Logistics Center. There they will be securely sealed and prepared for transport. During transport, the sensor system logs real-time data on the location, condition and integrity of the containers. This digital data then supports the complex customs decision-making process. For example, if the containers are not opened without authorization during the trip, they can be classed as low-risk. This can reduce the need for time-intensive inspections. Conversely, if containers are improperly opened during transport, a notification goes directly to predetermined recipients as well as the customs authority.
The cooperation project between BLG LOGISTICS and SecureSystem supports the strategy of border authorities who want to apply technology for better security and simplified processing. The partners are in constant discussions with U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) as well as other customs authorities around the world.