BLG LOGISTICS plans to be climate-neutral by 2030.
The company is one of the first logistics service providers to have its target scientifically tested according to the requirements of the international Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi).
BLG has already made various savings at its locations by e.g. generating its own electricity, upgrading lighting to LED technology and offering its employees company bikes. The next step is offsetting all emissions from company car and air travel – retroactively starting from business year 2019.
BLG has chosen First Climate as its partner for reducing climate-relevant gases. The emissions will be offset by investing in high-quality international climate protection projects. The BLG LOGISTICS workforce will have a say in which program will be supported. They have a choice between three options: Sustainable forestry in the Brazilian Amazon, repair of damaged wells in Malawi or bio-gas for private households in India. Voting will close in mid-September.
Customers of BLG are also increasingly looking for climate-neutral services to improve their own climate balances. This is why the company is also working with First Climate to calculate greenhouse gas emissions for individual services so that it can offer compensating measures.
BLG LOGISTICS will become climate-neutral by 2030. To achieve this target, it plans to reduce emissions within the company by 30 percent (e.g. by saving energy, switching to LED lighting and installing photovoltaic systems). Externally, the company aims to reduce emissions by 15 percent (e.g. transport by subcontractors, commuting by employees). The independent Science Based Targets initiative will check these goals. The SBTi was founded by leading NGOs. It is dedicated to science-based determination of emission reductions. What drives the initiative is the effort to limit global warming to significantly below 2°C compared to pre-industrial levels, as resolved in the Paris Agreement.