In an extraordinary meeting today, the BLG Supervisory Board resolved to create the position of Chief Operating Officer (COO), who will take care of operational management. The two executive responsibilities AUTOMOBILE, currently managed on an interim basis by Frank Dreeke, and CONTRACT will be merged to create "one face to the customer".
The new position will be occupied by Matthias Magnor, who has been the executive officer responsible for the CONTRACT division since October 1, 2021. He will take on the new role from December 1, 2022.
Specifically, the creation of the COO position is accompanied by an organisational mirroring of responsibility for finished vehicles and contract logistics vis-à-vis the customers of the BLG Group, in particular the major automotive manufacturers. The company expects synergy effects from the closer cooperation between the two operational areas. Cost savings also result from the fact that no new executive officer will be appointed for the AUTOMOBILE division.
Chairman of the Supervisory Board: "modern management structure"
"This move by BLG LOGISTICS is an important step for the future which creates a modern management structure," commented Klaus Meier, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of BREMER LAGERHAUS-GESELLSCHAFT –Aktiengesellschaft von 1877. He added: "We are delighted that Matthias Magnor has accepted this highly responsible position. His undisputed expertise plus his personal and communication skills will make him an ideal Chief Operating Officer."
Now BLG's top management consists of the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Frank Dreeke, the Chief Operating Officer (COO) Matthias Magnor, the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Christine Hein and the Chief Human Resources Officer (CHRO) Ulrike Riedel. Michael Blach, CEO of the EUROGATE Group, is responsible for the third operational division, the CONTAINER division.
About Matthias Magnor:
Matthias Magnor has been the executive officer of the BLG Group responsible for the CONTRACT division since October 1, 2021. With effect from October 4, 2022, he completely reorganized the division. The goal of the new structure is to make contract logistics at BLG more agile, future-proof and competitive. Before joining BLG LOGISTICS, Matthias Magnor was Chief Operating Officer and Member of the Executive Board of Hellmann Worldwide Logistics in Osnabrück. From 2014 to 2015, he was Chief Executive Officer of LH Bundeswehr Bekleidungsgesellschaft in Cologne, which supplies clothing to the German armed forces. Born in Osnabrück, Magnor draws on extensive expertise in supply chain management, logistics, services and retail.