We shape the sustainable logistics of the future!


A sustainable, resource-saving way of conducting business is a fundamental part of our corporate strategy. Services in outstanding quality, a consistent willingness to innovate and responsibility toward the environment and our employees - we believe these are essential for future-oriented, successful growth.

Sustainability? Logistical!

We believe genuine sustainability can only be achieved through an innovative, multilevel approach. That is why we balance the interests of business performance, social commitment and responsibility for the environment. It is how we create common added value, not only for us and our customers, but also for society and the environment.

Every year (since 2012), we publish a Sustainability Report for all stakeholders who want to know how we measure our sustainability performance. Read more in our current Sustainability report.

Our mission

We act on our ecological, social and economic responsibility. That simultaneously creates future-proof solutions that benefit our customers and employees.


Business year 2022



Since 2022, BLG LOGISTICS has been committed to the UN Global Compact corporate responsibility initiative and its principles in the areas of human rights, labor, environment and anti-corruption.

In 2015, the United Nations resolved the Agenda 2030 program. It defines 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which recognize that development must balance social, economic and environmental sustainability. The SDGs shape the sustainability debate on national and international levels. As global goals, they create a common language and a compass for the challenges of the 21st century.

BLG LOGISTICS supports the Sustainable Development Goals. In doing so, we have identified nine strategic goals that are closely connected to our business activities and therefore particularly reflect our responsibility for more sustainability. These are:
    •    Good health and well-being
    •    Quality education
    •    Gender equality
    •    Affordable and clean energy
    •    Decent work and economic growth
    •    Industry, innovation and infrastructure
    •    Responsible consumption and production
    •    Climate action
    •    Peace, justice and strong institutions
In these areas, we are committed to achieving measurable improvements for the sustainable development of our company, society and the environment. In our Sustainability Report, you can find out more about our approaches and actions that will help us achieve the SDGs.

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Our materiality matrix shows the allocation of the selected SDGs to the sustainability topics identified as relevant. A detailed presentation of these fields of action as well as our management approach and key performance indicators can be found in our Sustainability Report.

Go to our materiality matrix


Windräder im Rapsfeld

The sustainable management of resources and the protection of our environment are core values for our company. We have set ourselves an ambitious goal for climate protection: balance sheet climate neutrality for BLG LOGISTICS by 2030.

Our MISSION CLIMATE defines our goal to be a climate-neutral company by 2030. This means that our business activities will not increase the quantity of climate-damaging gases in the atmosphere on a global level. Our activities to reduce greenhouse gas emissions have been scientifically validated according to the requirements of the SBTi. This confirms that they contribute to climate protection. We will drastically reduce emissions within our company in absolute terms by 30 percent, and outside the company by 15 percent.

Find out more about MISSION CLIMATE

As a logistics company, we have a responsibility to protect the environment and natural resources. Key factors here are our energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. Our company-wide energy management ranges from optimizing heating control, through installing efficient LED lighting to using AI in route planning to prevent kilometers traveled without loads.

Find out more about our activities in our Sustainability Report.

BLG Standort aus der Luft

The responsible use of resources is an essential part of our environmental responsibility. We therefore aim to reduce our waste volume through avoidance, reduction, recycling and reuse. Through waste management with continuous improvement and a focus on the entire disposal cycle, we aim to fulfill our mission, which is also set out in our environmental and energy policy.

Find out more about our activities in our Sustainability Report.

Social sustainability

Mitarbeiter stehen auf dem Parkplatz

Despite all the advances in digitalization, people remain the most important resource in our logistics processes.

Our employees are crucial to our success. Therefore we offer them secure and attractive jobs with fair wages and practiced codetermination. Wherever in the world we operate, we respect human rights.

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Declaration of Principles Human Rights of BLG LOGISTICS GROUP AG & Co. KG

Mitarbeiter überprüft einen PKW

In today's world, many different paths to Qualification, continuous expansion of competencies, and personal development are more important than ever. With a whole range of measures and programs, we offer great access to training and education programs for all qualification levels. The Human Resources officers at our locations and our central HR department help our employees with any questions, problems or complaints they may have. Additional support comes from our compliance system and works councils.

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Ausbilder zeigt einem Azubi etwas

The safety and health of all our employees is a top priority for us. This is why we work every day to prevent accidents and minimize work-related sick days. After all, the well-being of our employees is not only important for our joint success, but also and primarily for the job satisfaction and performance capability of each one of us.

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Mitarbeiter trägt Schutzkleidung

We employ people from more than 60 nations with different cultural and social backgrounds and experience. We respect and support diversity because it keeps us close to society and our customers. It also brings new perspectives and fresh ideas. For many years, we have implemented special programs and measures to steadily increase the share of women in management.

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Mitarbeiterin erklärt Kolleginnen eine Grafik

Wherever we do business, we also want to make a contribution to society. That's why we support social, cultural and educational projects financially, with our expertise and a great deal of energy. BLG LOGISTICS is an official partner in the World Food Programme (WFP) of the United Nations, which was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2020. Through the Standby Partnership agreement, logistics experts can be sent on WFP missions. BLG LOGISTICS is thus one of about 28 WFP partner organizations worldwide. Through standby partnerships, the WFP can draw on technical expertise in emergencies. By providing logistics expertise free of charge, we support the WFP in its fight against hunger.

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Einsatz beim World Food Programme


Mitarbeiter fährt einen Gabelstapler

Our goal is to anchor BLG LOGISTICS on secure foundations for the future and to ensure we continue our successful business in a changing environment.

Without exception, we observe all laws and rules as well as our own ethical principles. This makes us a reliable and fair partner for our employees, customers, business partners and shareholders. We have zero tolerance of corruption and train our employees to prevent it.

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Zwei Mitarbeiter besprechen ein Dokument zusammen

With many of our customers, we work in longstanding business relationships based on mutual trust. The benefits are particularly evident when we jointly develop major projects and can contribute our expertise right from the start. We continually review the quality of our services and optimize our processes in order to constantly improve our performance for high-quality, efficient services. Our aim is to shape the future of logistics with innovative solutions such as artificial intelligence applications.

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Mitarbeiter steht vor dem Isabella Touchscreen

The logistics industry offers services close to production and functions as a vital interface between producers, retailers and consumers. These services include the delivery, production, and distribution of goods as well as conventional freight forwarding. One of our central goals is to constantly increase the business strength of BLG.

Find out more about the business strength of the BLG Group

More about sustainability

Mission Climate

On course for climate neutrality: BLG's Mission Climate is dedicated to tackling climate change and simultaneously ensuring business success.

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